Final assessments
We adapt the solution to your needs, whether you want a full recruitment process or assistance in parts of the process.
If you would like help assessing final candidates, we can offer a final assessment consisting of the following elements:
1. Preparation of requirements specification, with a focus on tasks and success factors for the position
2. Review of the candidates' CV, as well as specification of any uncertainty factors
3. Preparation of the MPA candidate profile for the position - which personal characteristics / behavior are desired
4. Carrying out a personality analysis and any subject / ability test
5. Interview of candidate with review of test results
6. Submission of test results and summary of interview
Our aim is primarily to provide you with the best possible decision-making basis for your choice. We expect that the test itself will help to confirm or disprove some of your assumptions. Furthermore, on the basis of an analysis result, we will have greater opportunity to explore conditions that we wish to elucidate further. The test and interview will also give an indication of conditions that should be denied or confirmed further through a reference check and taken into account in a later employee follow-up.